Is Earth Round or flat? Why it matters, and why it doesn't

Just in the last few decades, the number of those who believe that Earth is flat has skyrocketed. This purpose of this page is to examine this issue and to provide resources for further study. We will be adding to this page, so we invite you to check back.

From the outset, we wish to emphasize that whether or not Earth is round or flat is not an issue of salvation. In that sense, the question doesn't really matter, at least, not to our salvation in Jesus.

On the other hand, the proliferation of voices claiming Earth is flat is resulting in a backlash of sentiment against scientific unorthodoxy. When any Bible-believing Christian speaks in favor of a flat Earth, it appears to many to add legitimacy to the accusation that Bible believers are "anti-science."

Of course, faithfulness to the Word of God requires that we teach Bible truth no matter if it is popular or not. The Bible teaching of creation--though very unpopular in some circles and not even clearly understood by many genuine Christians--has clear connections to the biblical teaching of salvation, and so it must be taught, though with meekness, tact, skill, and much prayer. Great care should be taken to assure that we present the truth in its correct bearing and not needlessly cause opposition. Jesus died for everyone, and if we needlessly incite opposition to the truth in Jesus because we have bundled it up with something superfluous or with a biblical misunderstanding, we may needlessly turn the steps of a person away from the Saviour.

We urge those Christians who teach a flat Earth to consider that you have a much greater mission, which is to point people to Jesus. Promoting a flat-earth as a Bible believing Christan will needlessly turn many off to Jesus and to Bible truth. Saving souls takes great tact, skill, wisdom, and most of all, much time in prayer!

We will be looking at Bible texts that are often used to promote the idea of a flat Earth. We will also be exploring evidences from the natural world for both a round and a flat Earth. Just so you know, we believe Earth is round! But, for those who disagree, we urge you not to tune us out just yet. Keep posted. You can receive updates via Instagram,, and Facebook (see the bottom of this page) when we post something new.

We encourage you also to check out the links below for further study.

God bless!

For Further Study

Disclosure note: This page was first posted on June 25, 2024, and is subect to edits and updates in the interest of refining and adding to its content.