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Is the belief in creation by an intelligent entity, such as the God of the Bible, a viable worldview, today?

We believe that it is! On this website, we will be exploring evidences that living things were designed and made by a very intelligent creator—God—and that the Bible can be trusted.

Is Earth round or flat? Why it matters, and why it doesn't

Just in the last few decades, the number of those who believe that Earth is flat has skyrocketed. This purpose of this page (link above) is to examine this issue.

AudioVerse Recording

Loving God with All Your Thinking - by Frank Hasel

This message was presented at the Advent Hope Sabbath School on the campus of Loma Linda University May 29, 2021. This timely message highlights four imperatives to intellectual soundness that will help us avoid the confusion of an age dominated by a "post-truth" mentality.

Direct link to AudioVerse message

MP3 downloads


Did the first living things arise spontaneously by natural processes, or was life created by an intelligent Creator? Listen in as we interview Dr. Tim Standish, a molecular biologist working at the Geoscience Research Institute on the campus of Loma Linda University.

Page created: 2023.11.24

Page last modified: 2024.07.01

Gen. 1:1-10, Earthrise

Listen to the Apollo 8 astronauts read Genesis 1:1-10 as they orbited the moon on Christmas eve, 1968.